Some Tips and Tricks to ‘Fall-Proof’ Your Entire Home

Aug 19, 2015

There’s no better season than fall to do some annual maintenance on your home. This season usually entails preparing your home for the cold weather, which means making sure every area is fully prepared to withstand the upcoming rain, wind, and snow.

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Valiant Home Remodelers – a trusted provider of top-grade Monroe, NJ replacement windows and remodeling services – shares with you some important yet oft-neglected reminders on how you could keep your home in shape this fall.

Seal Gaps

At around this time of year, critters will migrate into the confines of your home to seek warmth. To prevent this, check all the nooks and crannies of your home and cover all gaps you find. Seal small gaps near your home’s foundation, or around windows using caulk. Secure a heavy-duty screen or hardware cloth and use it to cover exterior vents. This kind of material allows air to escape while preventing critters from seeking warmth in your home.

Replace Worn Weather Stripping

Check your windows and doors for cracked or worn stripping and replace it with fresh ones. If you find yourself doing this more often, it might be a sign that it’s time for replacement windows in Edison, NJ. The professionals at Valiant Home Remodelers will be glad to give you a tip or two about the kind of windows and doors that can help keep the cold from entering your home. The result is a cozier home and a reduced heating bill you can enjoy for years to come.

Inspect the Roof

Take time to inspect your roof, or better yet, hire someone to do it for you. Missing shingles and worn-out seals are easier to remedy when discovered early. It’s best to enlist the services of a licensed contractor such as Valiant Home Remodelers to handle any necessary repairs.

Maintain the Deck

Fall is the perfect time to give your deck some TLC. At the very least, some thorough cleaning can suffice, though it is recommended to also check its stain and seal. These are things you can do on your own, but it’s always better to hire a professional.

Let us help you fulfill your autumn maintenance checklist! If you are interested in a free in-home estimate from Valiant Home Remodelers, please fill out the estimate request form on our website.

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