7 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Siding

Apr 28, 2015

Siding can rot from the inside, keeping damage tucked away, so it’s not unusual for homeowners to be blindsided by emergency repairs or replacements. Don’t let that happen to you. Check your siding in Woodbridge, NJ and be on the lookout for these seven signs. Call Valiant Home Remodelers immediately if your experience any of these signs:

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1. Hollow noise. Tap your siding gently with something hard, like a screwdriver. If you hear hollow noise or the sound of pieces falling off, you might dealing with dry rotting.

2. Fading. This is a sign of wear and tear. Worn-out siding will no longer function as it should so you might as well replace yours if it’s too faded to be remedied.

3. Mold and mildew. The presence of mold and mildew at the seams may be indicative of moisture penetration. This means water has already entered the siding and has sat there long enough to produce mold and mildew. It’s only a matter of time before water-soaked siding falls apart.

4. Large cracks. An obvious indication of damage, cracks should not be ignored, most especially when they are big enough to affect the appearance of your home.

5. Peeling paint. Paint peels when there is moisture present, but not immediately. By the time paint peels as a reaction to the presence of moisture, your siding may have already been steeped in water long enough to compromise material integrity.

6. High energy bill. If your electricity bill is higher than normal, your siding may no longer be providing you with level of insulation you need. Air leaks cause your HVAC system to work harder, leading to an extraordinarily high consumption of energy.

7. Paint not sticking. A proper paint job should last between eight and 10 years. If you have to repaint sooner than that, your siding may be harboring damage that’s preventing paint from sticking as long as it should.

Valiant Home Remodelers offer only the best in Woodbridge, NJ siding to address your needs perfectly. Call us today at (732) 541-7966 to schedule a free in-home estimate or visit our website for more information.

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