Handy Tips on Choosing Your Trim Color

Dec 09, 2015

Many homeowners often overlook the importance of applying the right color for their trim. What they fail to realize is that it can actually add a dramatic effect on the way they will perceive a room.

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Interior trim can provide balance and proportion in a room. It can give focus on the interesting parts of your home’s architectural design by establishing tone and character. It can adapt to your doors and windows in Edison, NJ, as well as your baseboards, mantels, and other interior features. With the right trim color, you can enhance the beauty of your home.

To help you pick the perfect trim color for your home, Valiant Home Remodelers offers some handy tips.

Choosing the Perfect White

White is the most versatile color. It can help you set off earth tones while allowing a minimalist style. By selecting the perfect white, you can highlight your home’s best features. For rooms with dark colored walls, white trim can bring a lighter ambiance. Rooms painted with pastel colors, on the other hand, can look clearer with white. Keep in mind, however, that most paint manufacturers offer different shades of white. This makes it even more important to focus heavily on your room’s color scheme to pick the right shade.

To choose the perfect shade of white, hold a paint chip of your wall color up against different chips of white shades. This will let you see which combination would appeal to you the most. Warmer shades of white go well with intense hues, while cooler whites are perfect for pastel, light colors.

Highlighting Interior Features

You can focus on your window and door frames by applying a darker color than the woodwork. You can also be creative — experiment by using a color that is contrasting, yet equally intense as your wall color. Moreover, if your walls come in a pale color, you can add emphasis on doors and windows by painting these with a darker hue.

If you’re blessed with a scenic view, you can also highlight the outdoors by carefully choosing your trim color. The darker the trims are around your windows in Edison, the more you make the outside view stand out. The same goes for wood works. Choosing the right color often depends on whether you only varnish the wood or stain first.

Picking the right color for your trim is never an easy task. To make sure your choice is right, consult Valiant Home Remodelers. We can help you choose the right windows and doors for your home. We will not only consider your home’s design, but your location and climate, as well. We will install the right doors and windows that will suit your home’s design.

Call us now at (732) 541-7966 to get started with your home improvement project.

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